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University of Oregon Student Public Safety Survey


The University of Oregon hired an outside organization, 21CP Solutions, to provide an independent, outside review of campus safety and develop recommendations on how to further improve police and public safety practices.

21CP has been leading focus groups and listening sessions with students, faculty, and staff for the past several months to learn about the community's views and experiences related to public safety on campus.  However, we know that not every student has time to participate in a focus group and that not everyone feels comfortable providing information on these topics in a group setting.

Accordingly, 21CP is asking students who feel comfortable to provide their feedback on safety and well-being on campus via this electronic feedback form.

All survey responses are anonymous.  21CP may summarize or quote specific responses in future communications with the University, but 21CP will not share the identities of who takes the survey, or information about who provided what feedback, with anyone else.

We acknowledge that the topic of safety and well-being may trigger emotions or feelings.  The University of Oregon maintains resources where you can see assistance if you need it: