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Ending the Epidemics in Indian Country ECHO: May 24, 2022

Cardea Services 
Questions about this evaluation? Email 
We hope you found this educational offering both interesting and informative. Your anonymous responses will be used to plan future educational activities. 
2. How satisfied are you with this learning activity?
Very satisfiedSatisfiedUnsatisfiedVery unsatisfied
3.  As a result of this learning activity, how has your knowledge on this topic changed?  *This question is required.
Improved a lotImproved a littleStayed the sameGot worse
4. As a result of this learning activity, *This question is required.
Space Cell Very likelyLikelyUnlikelyVery unlikely
I am able to manage the care of patients with HIV, STIs, HCV, SUD and Harm Reduction in my own practice 
5.  I plan to make one change in practice based on what I learned in this activity. *This question is required.
Very likelyLikelyUnlikelyVery unlikely
Why are you unlikely to make a change? *This question is required.
6. Please rate your knowledge of how to develop a program to address the syndemic in your community.
Very capableSomewhat capableSomewhat unableVery unableN/A
7. Please rate your technical capacity to implement a program to address the syndemic in your community.
Very capableSomewhat capableSomewhat unableVery unableN/A
8. As a result of this learning activity, I... 
Space Cell Very likelyLikelyUnlikelyVery unlikely
can discuss research on HIV/STI, HCV, SUD, and harm reduction as it relates to AI/AN people and tribal communities
can discuss factors that make an individual more at-risk for HIV/STI, HCV, and SUD interventions to change or interrupt those factors. 
can identify screening tools for HIV/STI, HCV, and SUD
can discuss harm reduction strategies and interventions to HIV/STI, HCV, and SUD in Indian Country
9. Of the session topics, which topic did you find most actionable for new ideas and knowledge?
10. Of the session topics, which topic did you find least actionable for new ideas and knowledge?
11. As a result of this learning activity does your clinic/organization plan to provide specific programming fo:
Space Cell YesNoUnsureAlready Implemented
Harm Reduction
12. As a result of this learning activity does your clinic/organization plan to have a policy and/or protocol to address the following:
Space Cell YesNoUnsureAlready Implemented
HIV Prevention
HIV Screening
HIV Treatment
STI Prevention
STI Screening
STI Treatment
HCV Prevention
HCV Screening
HCV Treatment
SUD Prevention
SUD Screening
SUD Treatment
Harm Reduction Services