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RRC Classroom Evaluation

The Residential Real Estate Council continually strives to make its education timely and relevant. To help us tailor our offerings to your needs, please complete the following evaluation for the RRC Course that you attended. Thank you for your feedback!
1. How did you hear about this offering?
2. How useful was the information presented in this course?
3. Please rate the overall quality of this course:
4. Did this educational program meet your expectations?
5. Based on your experience taking this course, would you consider taking additional RRC education in the future?
6. Based on your experience taking this course, would you recommend RRC education to others?
7. Please rate the instructor's facilitation of student participation:
8. Please rate the instructor's level of expertise in relation to the subject matter:
9. Please rate the instructor's overall teaching effectiveness:
11. May we use your comments in our promotional materials?
If yes, please provide your name, city, and state below: