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Veteran Services Survey

To assist the County Veteran Services Office (VSO) in achieving our goals to serve you better, we continually look for ways to improve the quality of support and expand the services we offer. Your feedback is important to this process.

To better serve you, please complete the client survey and tell us about your experiences with our services. The survey takes just a few minutes to complete, and we will use your responses to evaluate the levels of support the VSO provides to you. Please be open and candid in your responses. The survey is voluntary, and your responses will remain confidential. Your input is important to us, and we appreciate your comments.

Thank you.

Please input date in M/d/yyyy format
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
4. Please let us know how much you agree with the following:
Space Cell Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I was able to get an appointment easily.
The information provided by the staff was helpful.
The staff was courteous during my visit.
The Veterans Claims Officer was knowledgeable.
The Veterans Claims Officer understood my needs.
My questions were answered promptly.
I feel satisfied with the overall quality of service I received.
5. What was the purpose/issue to be addressed during your appointment?
6. Did the Veterans Claims Officer address the purpose of your visit?
7. Based on your most recent visit, how long did you have to wait for an appointment:
8. How many times have you visited the Ventura County Veteran Services Office in the past year?
9. How did you hear about the Veteran Services Office?
10. Would you recommend the Ventura County Veteran Services Office to others?
11. Do you have any additional comments to share with us?
11. Would you like our office to contact you regarding your comments above? *This question is required.
11. We would love to follow up with you regarding your responses.  Please provide your name and phone number so we may reach you :
  *This question is required.