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HNRS 100 Learning Assistant Interest Form

HNRS 100 - Learning Assistant Interest Form

Hello, Honors Students!

Thank you for your interest in serving as a Learning Assistant for our first-year learning experience in Honors. 
We expect to enroll about 120 new students in HNRS 100 this Fall 2024.   We need Learning Assistants in the fall to assist with  HNRS 100 and to provide mentoring to these new students.  

HNRS 100 will be taught in-person on Wednesdays 4:00pm to 6:00pm. 
Therefore, if you are interested in serving as a Learning Assistant for an HNRS 100 you will need to leave this time available in your Fall course schedule. 

Learning assistants are not required to have taken HNRS 100. Students may serve as a Learning Assistant more than once.  Students completing their learning assistant assignments receive credit toward their Honors Program requirements (co-curricular mentor requirement and one Honors Program Elective 1.0 unit).


This is a great opportunity to meet our new Honors students and assist them during their transition to life at Cal Poly and in the Honors Program.  It would be great if you could help us out.  You'll have the opportunity to work with a dedicated group of other learning assistants, Honors office assistants, and faculty.


Please contact Dr. J if you have questions, or would like more information.  Working as a mentor and learning assistant in HNRS represents an important service to the Honors Program.

Interest form submission is DUE BY MAY 22ND!


Thank you for your consideration. 

Dr. J

4. What year will you be in FA24?