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SKI: Reader Resort Survey 2023


As the ski season winds to a close, it's time to take a look back with the annual SKI Magazine Reader Resort Survey. Your feedback on the ski resorts you visited is a very important piece of the annual Resort Guide that we produce every fall. This November, when it arrives in your mailbox or is available on your screen, you'll find the top resorts in North America and all of the rankings you've come to expect, plus expanded content designed to help you plan your best ski trip yet.

But we can't do it without you. First, we need to gather some info about you and how your ski season went; after that you can provide feedback on up to five separate resorts that you've skied at over the past two seasons by using the drop-down menu of all of the resorts in North America. Rank them from 1 to 10 according to the categories.

Happy rating, and thank you for sharing your feedback with us!

-SKI Editors