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Future of Tutoring - School/Trust Leaders Survey

The Future of Tutoring - Research Overview and Consent

Hi there and thank you for making time to complete our short survey on 'The Future of Tutoring'!

Below you can find out more details about this research. There is also some important info for you to read before you give consent to complete this survey. Once you give consent to participate in this survey, there is information on the next page about how you'll be entered into a prize draw where you can win one of three £50 Amazon vouchers. 

On average, this survey takes around 4 minutes to complete. 

Introduction to the research
The Centre for Education and Youth is conducting research to understand the best steps the Department for Education and other key decision makers can take in developing a long-term strategy for the future of tutoring. We will be speaking to a wide range of stakeholders - including school leaders, teachers, tutoring providers and researchers - to develop a plan for deploying tutoring to close the achievement gap and meet the DfE’s primary attainment goals for 2030.

What do I have to do?
We're really hoping you will be able to help us by filling out this survey. It should take around 10 minutes of your time.

What will you do with my survey responses?
We will collect together everyone's responses and store them safely. We will analyse responses. We may use your responses and your words in our final report and other public outputs such as websites and blogs. Where this does happen, your responses will be reported anonymously in a way that does not identify you or your institution. 

Do I have to say ‘yes’ to completing this survey?
No. It’s your choice whether you want to do the survey. If you don’t want to take part in the research, you don’t have to tell us why.

Who can I ask for more information?
If you want more information about the research and what your participation will involve, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Baz Ramaiah at CfEY (

We really hope you will be able to help us with our research by filling in this survey. If you are happy to proceed, please tick the box below.