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SAF School Based Mental Health Professionals Survey

Hello School Counselors, School Psychologists, and School Social Workers!

This survey is part of a Capstone Project for Dr. Hennessey Lustica, School Ambassador Fellow, U.S. Department of Education.

The purpose of this survey is to better understand mental health training for school administrators.

The survey is 25 questions and all responses will be confidential. The survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. The last two questions asks for your email address - only complete these questions if you would like to participate in a one hour focus group or development of materials about this topic.

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey!
1. What is your current role?  *This question is required.
3. District Setting *This question is required.
4. District Demographic *This question is required.
5. Ethnic/Racial Breakdown *This question is required.
6. With what level students do you work? (Check all that apply) *This question is required.
7. The administrators in my building/district understand my role. *This question is required.
8. The administrators in my building/district understand the mental health needs of students*This question is required.
9. The administrators in my building/district understand the mental health needs of the staff*This question is required.
10. The administrators in my building/district understand the signs and symptoms of mental health concerns. *This question is required.
11. The administrators in my building/district are prepared to respond to a mental health crisis.  *This question is required.
12. The administrators in my building/district understand the impact of mental health on the brain*This question is required.
13. The administrators in my building/district understand how depression and anxiety impact brain development.  *This question is required.
14. My administrators understand how mental health impacts behavior.  *This question is required.
15. The administrators in my building/district understand the impact of trauma on students.  *This question is required.
16. My administrators consider me to be the expert on mental health in my building/district. *This question is required.
17. My administrators understand how to collaborate with me when working with students experiencing mental health needs.  *This question is required.
18. I have provided formal (e.g., workshops) training to administrators on mental health.   *This question is required.
19. I have provided informal (e.g., discussion at meetings, ongoing consultation, etc.) training to my administrators on mental health.  *This question is required.
20. In the last five years, I have provided training (either formally or informally) to a new administrator?  *This question is required.
21. My district prioritizes training in mental health for administrators.  *This question is required.
22. My administrators understand the different roles of school counselors, school social workers, and school psychologists.  *This question is required.
23. My administrators need additional training on mental health.  *This question is required.
Thank you so much for completing this survey! Your voice is so important! 
Please forward this survey to three (3) of your school based mental health colleagues. 
We hope to hear from at least 100 school based mental health clinicians per state.