Thank you for your interest in serving on a NAAE Membership Committee. Each of the five standing NAAE committees is made up of three representatives from each region who serve 3-year terms. In addition to answering the questions on the following page, you will be asked to attach a signed Memorandum of Understanding to serve on a NAAE Membership committee.
You can download a BLANK MOU here.
To help you with completing the application, please review the committees and purposes:
Advocacy in Agricultural Education- The purpose of the Advocacy in Agricultural Education committee is to provide insight and recommendations on opportunities to effectively influence agricultural education through promotion, communication and policy.
Financial Review-The purpose of the Financial Review committee is to review the financial statements, dues structure and fiscal solvency of the organization.
Member Experience-The purpose of the Member Experience committee is to provide insight and recommendations on the value of the NAAE organization and review the perceptions that current and prospective members have about NAAE.
Professional Development-The purpose of the Professional Development committee is to provide insight and recommendations on leadership and learning to improve and evolve educators for boundless classrooms.
Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition-The purpose of the Teacher RRR committee is to provide insight and recommendations on topics and initiatives related to attracting, engaging, supporting and celebrating agricultural education professionals.