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Indian Country Journey to Health ECHO

Cardea Services 
Questions about this evaluation? Email 
We hope you found this educational offering both interesting and informative. Your anonymous responses will be used to plan future educational activities. 
3. How satisfied are you with this learning activity? *This question is required.
Very satisfiedSatisfiedUnsatisfiedVery unsatisfied
4.  As a result of this learning activity, how has your knowledge on this topic changed?  *This question is required.
Improved a lotImproved a littleStayed the sameGot worse
5. How likely are you to make one change in practice based on what you learned in this activity. *This question is required.
Very likelyLikelyUnlikelyVery unlikely
Why are you unlikely to make a change? *This question is required.
6. As a result of this learning activity, I am able to... *This question is required.
Space Cell Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
Identify and refer patients to culturally appropriate, and strength-based support services.
Identify examples of holistic care practices that contribute to strength, resilience, and well-being.
7. Please indicate your likelihood to engage in the following activities BEFORE completing this ECHO. *This question is required.
Space Cell Very likelyLikelyUnlikelyVery unlikely
Within 2 months of participating in this training, I plan to integrate at least one reflective practice to counteract the influence of individual behavior and assumptions (for example: implicit or explicit bias) in my relationships with patients.
Within 1 month of participating in this training, I plan to communicate with at least one professional outside of my discipline in order to support comprehensive patient care (for example: social workers, mental health counselors, chemical dependency counselors, peer support counselors, pharmacists, nurses, or other medical providers).
8. Please indicate your likelihood to engage in the following activities AFTER completing this ECHO. *This question is required.
Space Cell Very likelyLikelyUnlikelyVery unlikely
Within 2 months of participating in this training, I plan to integrate at least one reflective practice to counteract the influence of individual behavior and assumptions (for example: implicit or explicit bias) in my relationships with patients.
Within 1 month of participating in this training, I plan to communicate with at least one professional outside of my discipline in order to support comprehensive patient care (for example: social workers, mental health counselors, chemical dependency counselors, peer support counselors, pharmacists, nurses, or other medical providers).