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CPR/First Aid - Initial or Renewal Request

                     Homecare Workers, Personal Support Workers or Personal Care Attendants

                    OHCC CPR/First Aid course Agreements and Request

In 2024, the Oregon Home Care Commission and SEIU503 collectively bargained a new pay differential for providers.  The new CPR/First Aid Differential was launched in January of 2024 and for those who qualify, they will add the differential of $.25 to their base rate of pay.   If a provider already is earning a pay increase for an OHCC Certification (PDC, Enhanced, Exceptional or VDQ), they would not qualify for the CPR/First Aid Differential. 

The CPR/First Aid certification, with the demonstration of skills, is a requirement for the CPR/First Aid Differential, and any of the OHCC Certifications. Please complete the survey below so that we may review your information and determine if you qualify for an initial or renewal CPR/First Aid course which will be paid for by OHCC.

OHCC will be contacting you by email, within 5 business days, to share important information with you. If you request to take the course online, we will include the link to the online course in the follow up email to you. If you choose to take the course in-person, we will refer you to a training site in the county you select to take your class in. 

Eligible providers who take the virtual CPR/First Aid course, will sign-in through a company called Emergency University. There are two parts to the training. One part is online and at your own pace; the second part of the training is scheduled by you, with a live instructor. This is a webinar Zoom course that requires the instructor to virtually watch you demonstrate your CPR skills.
  • OHCC CPR/First Aid Policy was updated on May 1, 2024. Find a copy on PACE, or in the Elevate newsletter. 
  • Prior approval must be received before registering for a CPR & First Aid certification course.
  • OHCC will not reimburse providers who pay out-of-pocket for certification courses. 
  • After you have completed your course; upload the CPR/First Aid card into your PACE account.  PACE is OHCC's Learning Management System, which includes all of your training and certification records. OHCC will contact you through PACE with your final approval for the CPR/First Aid Differential.  
  • A new request will be required if courses are not completed within 6 months of approval.
  • Both parts of the Emergency University certification training must be completed within 60 days once started.  This includes the online course and a virtual skills assessment.