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Lee County Smoke Free Policy Survey

1. Age *This question is required.
2. Race *This question is required.
3. Gender *This question is required.
4. Do you live in Lee County? *This question is required.
5. If you are not a Lee County resident, how often do you visit Lee County?
6. Do you know what secondhand smoke is? *This question is required.
7. Have you ever received education on secondhand smoke? *This question is required.
8. If you answered YES to question #8, where have you received education on secondhand smoke? Check all that apply. *This question is required.
9. If you work in Lee County, does your workplace allow smoking indoors? *This question is required.
10. If you work in Lee County, does your workplace allow vaping or e-cigarette use indoors? *This question is required.
11. Where have you been exposed to secondhand smoke in Lee County? *This question is required.
12. In general, do you feel that exposure to secondhand smoke is a: *This question is required.
13. In your opinion, should Lee County adopt a local law to protect individuals who do not smoke, from the dangers of secondhand smoke and secondhand aerosol in work and public places? *This question is required.