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2022 Kindergarten Orientation Feedback

Tell us what you think about this Kindergarten Orientation! 

Yog xav mus saib daim ntawv sojntsuam no ua lus Hmoob, thov nias qhov menu nyob rau sabxis saum qhov ces kaum ntawm no. 
Si aad u aragto sahanka (ra’yi ururinta) oo Af-Soomaali ku qoran, fadlan riix liiska (menu) dhinaca kore ee gacanta midig
Para revisar la encuesta en Español, haga clic en la esquina superior derecha.
Để xem khảo sát bằng tiếng Việt, vui lòng nhấp vào menu ở góc trên bên phải.
2. The school seems friendly and welcoming.
3. I learned some things my child will do and learn in kindergarten.
4. I can tell that this school is focused on student learning.
5. I know when I will receive information related to the start of school (bus routes, open house, etc.)
6. I know at least one thing I can do to support my child's education.