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IM Engineering South 2022 - Hanging Sign Request Form

Submission Deadline: May 13, 2022

Approval for hanging signs will be considered for peninsula booths or island booths 20’ X 20' or larger only, provided the signs are not objectionable in content and there are no physical constraints at the facility.

Please ensure that the hanging sign abides by IAEE Display Rules and Regulations.  Signs must be hung so that they are no closer than 10 feet to any neighboring booth.

Once your hanging sign request is approved by Show Management, please make sure that you also order rigging services through Freeman.

For questions please contact or (310) 445 - 4273.
This question requires a valid email address.
6. Hanging Sign Dimensions *This question is required.
9. Is Sign Motorized? *This question is required.
10. Upload diagram/picture of hanging sign. Measurements should be clearly marked.  *This question is required.