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Strategic Plan V: Business Sector


Every successful organization has not just a vision for the future, but the stepping stones to get there.

Marana Strategic Plan V will outline the specific tasks and initiatives that the Town will take for the next 2-to-3 years in order to reach the Town's long-term goals as established in the following documents:

A portion of this update will also focus on evaluating our progress made on Strategic Plan IV.

As a way for the Town to continue to deliver high-quality services and support the business community, you are invited to take this survey. Please share your ideas about what policy, plan, or task the Town should prioritize for the next three years. This is a short survey and should not take more than five minutes.

This survey is completely confidential and will close on March 25, 2022 at 5:00PM.

1. Do you represent a business in the Marana community? *This question is required.
2. Are you familiar with the Town of Marana Strategic Plan
3. Which planning efforts have you participated in? Check all that apply.