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AVV Community Awareness Survey


1. Welcome to the Community Survey for the Teen Dating Violence (TDV) Awareness Public Service Announcement (PSA) brought to you by Advocates for Victims of Violence and Valdez Prevention Coalition located in Valdez, AK. Thank you for taking the time to give us your opinion!

We are asking you to share information about the Teen Dating Violence PSA and other opinions on violence prevention. This survey should take around 10-15 minutes to complete.

Watch the video here:

Your participation is anonymous and voluntary. We won’t ask you to share your personal or identifying information-- like your name.  You can stop participating at any point and can choose to skip any questions you do not know or want to answer.

Do you agree to participate in this survey?

  *This question is required.
Read more about this survey below:

How feedback is used: While your answers will remain anonymous, they will be shared with the evaluation team at Strategic Prevention Solutions (SPS) the prevention team at Advocates for Victims of Violence (AVV), and with the Violence Prevention Coalition (VPC), based in Valdez, AK for evaluation purposes, updating reports, or used as a source of information for planning.

Risks: There are minimal risks associated with participating in this survey. However, you may experience potential emotional discomfort from thinking about sensitive topics, such as violence. Our team seeks to reduce this risk by trusting in your knowledge and that you will withdraw if you don’t want to continue participating.

Benefits: The benefits from participating in this survey can include a feeling or experience of empowerment, release, and positive processing. Sharing knowledge and contributing to solutions about these issues and efforts to address them can help AVV and VPC address violence. Our team would like to uplift benefits you take away from participating.

Copy of Consent/Assent Form: If you are interested in a keeping copy of this consent form, you may take a screenshot of this screen (including the contact information) at this time or contact Amber Major from AVV at

Contact Information: If you have questions about this video or on the issue of Teen Dating Violence, please reach out to Amber Major from AVV at If you have any questions about this survey or your participation, please contact Emily Singerhouse from SPS at