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City of Moses Lake Shoreline Survey

1. Are you familiar with the required, Shoreline Master Program Periodic Update?
2. Are you familiar with the current Moses Lake Shoreline Master Program?
3. Are you aware of the rules and regulations that apply to shoreline property (e.g. dock standards, shoreline stabilization, or restoration requirements)?
4. Are you aware of the Moses Lake Shoreline permitting process?
5. Do you have a good understanding of the shoreline permitting process and when a permit is required?
6. Which of the following ways do you interact with Moses Lake and its shoreline? Mark all that apply.
7. Which values/issues regarding the Moses lake shoreline are most important to you? Mark all that apply.
8. What are your main concerns for Moses Lake and its shoreline? Mark all that apply.
10. Conservation of and/or mitigation of existing shoreline habitat is necessary to offset short-term and long-term negative shoreline impacts.