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Cluster & Facility Outbreak Notification Report Form

1. Is this an Initial or Final Report? *This question is required.
2. Type of Outbreak: *This question is required.
3. Person Providing Report: *This question is required.
4. Facility Information: *This question is required.
5. Type of Facility *This question is required.
6. Epidemiology Information: *This question is required.
7. Epidemiology Data: *This question is required.
Initial Case Count Final Case Count
Symptomatic employees
Symptomatic food handlers
Total symptomatic employees
Symptomatic residents/patients
Symptomatic visitors
Total population
Number of hospitalized cases
Number of secondary case
8. Symptom Presentation: *This question is required.
Symptom Present? Number of Cases with Symptom Total # of Cases with Information Available
Yes No
Abdominal Cramps
Fever (highest recorded)
Bloody Stools
Respiratory (e.g., coughing, wheezing)
Skin and soft tissue wound/damage
9. Any other Symptoms? *This question is required.(if not listed above)
10. Specimen Reporting: *This question is required.
Type of Specimen No. of Specimens Collected Test Ordered Laboratory Performing Tests Shipping Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Results
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Entry 5
Entry 6
Entry 7
11. Any other type of specimen testing? *This question is required.(if not listed above)
13. Consultation Provided: *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
14. Additional Actions and Notifications: *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.