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MDR 1128 Schneider W7

About This Survey

Thank you for participating in this Schneider customer survey. You are one of only a select number of customers to participate so your input is valuable. Please note:
  • In the interest of objectivity, an independent firm, Market Data Retrieval, is administering the survey on Schneider’s behalf.* 
  • Your responses are completely anonymous and not linked to you personally.
  • There are no right or wrong answers, so your complete and honest answers are extremely important.
  • There are instructions for each question on the survey. To continue to the next set of questions, simply click the arrow or button that says, “Next.”
  • Do not use your browser's back button as you will not be able to go back to a previous page.
This survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete, but please take your time.

* Please know your contact information has not been shared.