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Plan Waite Park



Plan Waite Park!

The City of Waite Park is developing a new community-supported vision for the City’s future together with strategic goals, plans, policies and action steps to guide community growth and deliver important community services. Initial activities will focus on bringing people together to create an overall vision and supporting goals for Waite Park’s future. This will be followed up with more detailed development of new Strategic and Comprehensive Plan for land use, transportation, housing, parks, infrastructure and community services.

The new Comprehensive Plan will utilize community input, demographic and market research together with community planning best practices to identify critical needs, goals, policies and action steps for guiding the types of future growth, redevelopment and enhancements embodied in the community-supported vision.

We want to hear from residents, business and property owners, employees and visitors. Your community knowledge, experience and ideas are needed to ensure the Comprehensive Plan reflects your values and charts the appropriate course for the coming years.

Your input is important in helping to identify needs and issues to be addressed in the Comprehensive Plan.