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Culligan Marketing Survey 2022

Courtesy of

Has your marketing strategy kept up with the changes over the last 10 years? See how your results compare to other US dealerships.

In 2012, Yellow Pages was the #1 marketing spend for Culligan dealers while Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube advertising didn’t even exist in the network.

In 2013, we gave a presentation at CDANA in Kansas City outlining the need to be on YouTube to gain a first-mover advantage.

Nine years later, if your YouTube spend isn’t larger than your TV spend in 2022, your co-op plan is likely 5 years behind.

At least, that’s what our data is showing… 

However, if you fill out this 8-minute survey you can see directly how you compare to other dealers working with different agencies in the network.

Keep in mind that all of your answers are PRIVATE and will not be shared on an individual level with any other organization. Every dealer who participates will receive a summary of the aggregate answers to use for their own benefit.

The survey will be closed on Friday 3/11/22 so please share this survey with your fellow dealers to make the data as useful as possible.

Other than to share the results, we promise not to contact you unless you ask us to.

1. Why are you completing this survey? (check all that apply) *This question is required.