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Bandwidth Educator Survey 2022 WS

1. Balancing Priorities: Please provide a numerical answer for each question using the following scale:
0 (Almost Never) 1 (Seldom) 2 (Sometimes) 3 (Frequently) 4 (Almost Always) *This question is required.
2. Filtering Through Possibilities: Please provide a numerical answer for each question using the following scale:
0 (Almost Never) 1 (Seldom) 2 (Sometimes) 3 (Frequently) 4 (Almost Always) *This question is required.
3. Focusing through Mental Habits: Please provide a numerical answer for each question using the following scale:
0 (Almost Never) 1 (Seldom) 2 (Sometimes) 3 (Frequently) 4 (Almost Always) *This question is required.
4. Fueling Our Brains: Please provide a numerical answer for each question using the following scale:
0 (Almost Never) 1 (Seldom) 2 (Sometimes) 3 (Frequently) 4 (Almost Always) *This question is required.
5. Staying Connected: Please provide a numerical answer for each question using the following scale:
0 (Almost Never) 1 (Seldom) 2 (Sometimes) 3 (Frequently) 4 (Almost Always) *This question is required.
6. Making Time Work for You: Please provide a numerical answer for each question using the following scale:
0 (Almost Never) 1 (Seldom) 2 (Sometimes) 3 (Frequently) 4 (Almost Always) *This question is required.
7. How would you rate the following? *This question is required.
Space Cell 0 (low)1234 (high)
• Your overall sense of energy
• Your engagement level at work
• Your sense of control over your schedule and workload
• Your sense of self-efficacy—your ability to complete tasks and reach goals
• Your ability to concentrate and get things done efficiently and effectively
• Your ability to balance work life and personal life
• Your knowledge of how to use your brain energy both effectively and efficiently
• Your sense of meaning and purpose derived from your work responsibilities
8. To respond to the following statements, reflect on your experiences, thoughts and feelings. *This question is required.
Space Cell Almost neverSeldomSometimesFrequentlyAlmost always
• I have enough work time and resources to handle my responsibilities
• My workplace respects my personal life. I can “unplug” from the office after hours and on weekends
• I have enough control over my work calendar that I can schedule my days in ways that allow me to be proactive rather than reactive
• Multitasking, such as checking emails during meetings or calls, is discouraged by my workplace
• My workplace supports checking emails only at set intervals during the day
• All types of smartphone or computer usage while driving, including hands-free voice-call meetings, are strongly discouraged by my workplace
• Management where I work fosters a work environment that allows me to be effective
• At work, I am able to find blocks of time to concentrate without being interrupted when working on tasks that require focus
• The in-person meetings I attend are a good use of my time
• The virtual meetings I attend are a good use of my time
• I have time and energy for curiosity at work—pursuing new ideas, problems I’d like to solve, or experiments with creativity
• The office atmosphere allows for building constructive relationships with colleagues
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