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Kern COG Stakeholder Survey

Once every eight years, the State of California determines how many housing units each region of the state must plan for over the following eight years.  For the next cycle, from 2023-2031, the state has determined that Kern County needs to plan for 57,650 housing units.  The Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG) is responsible for determining how to allocate those units amongst the various cities and county-based upon several factors including the region’s Sustainable Communities Strategy, Regional Transportation Plan, and three additional state-mandated housing objectives including Jobs and Housing Fit, Income Parity, and Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.  A detailed report on the proposed methodology is available at:

Once Kern COG has completed the final housing allocations (est. July 2022), each city and the county will need then to update their housing elements to determine more specifically where their assigned allocation of housing can be accommodated within their jurisdiction. 
Your responses to this survey will assist Kern COG, cities, and county plan for the housing needs of the region.   
1. What are the three most important factors influencing your housing choice (pick up to 3):
2. What forms of housing do you believe are most needed in your community? (Pick 2)
3. In your opinion, what are the three most critical housing issues facing your city or county? (Pick 3)
4. Are you aware of any special types of housing needed in your community?  (Check all that apply)
5. My community needs better _____________ (pick all that apply).