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Basic Pre-assessment

1. Do we have your permission to view your responses to this quiz later? Your answers and any information you input will be completely anonymous. Your answers will help us adjust the training for future learners. If you choose not to let us view your responses later, you can still earn the certificate for this training. *This question is required.

Next, we'll ask you to rate your confidence in a few different situations. Use this scale as you rate your confidence level:

Intimidated - I'm terrified of this happening!

Not confident - I hope this doesn't happen while I'm volunteering, but I'll be okay.

Pretty confident - I think I know what to do, but I'm still new and need practice.

Completely confident - I know I can handle this easily.

2. Please tell us how confident you would feel in each of these situations: *This question is required.
Space Cell IntimidatedNot confidentPretty confidentCompletely confident
Picking an outfit for the first day of work.
Planning your semester.
Getting negative feedback from your supervisor.
Being assigned to work on a project that you don’t like.
Writing without plagiarizing.
Following a format to write a standardized piece.
Checking a piece of information from Instagram or Twitter for accuracy.
Public speaking.
Dealing with an upset customer.
When a customer asks you a question you don’t know the answer to.
When a social interaction goes wrong, making a good guess about what happened.
Writing a smart goal.
Keeping yourself on track to complete your goals.
Identifying a goal you would like to accomplish.
Determining if a goal is achievable/attainable.