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Turkeyfoot Comment Form #2

Improving travel along Turkeyfoot Road, between Dudley Road and Dixie Highway, is a priority for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Currently, we are focused on designing solutions for this area that will improve traffic flow, reduce travel delays, and make travel in the area safer. As we continue to refine proposed improvement options, we invite your input. Please use the following form to share your thoughts about the proposed improvements. Thank you for taking the time to participate.
2. How often do you travel on Turkeyfoot Road between Dudley Road and Dixie Highway? Select one response.
3. Which of the following statements best represent your experience when driving on Turkeyfoot Road between Dudley Road and Dixie Highway? Select one response.
4. How concerned are you with the following problems that have been identified in the project area? Rank each problem from highest level of concern (1) to lowest level of concern (6). Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
7. How old are you?