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GARP Chapter Meeting Attendance Survey

With COVID-19 restrictions being lifted in many places around the globe, GARP would like to know whether you would be comfortable attending Chapter meetings in person later this year.

Please note that we will continue to follow local guidelines and restrictions related to COVID-19. Social distancing will be practiced and capacity will be limited.
2. COVID restrictions permitting, would you be comfortable be attending an in-person Chapter meeting in:
3. Please select if you would be comfortable attending an in-person Chapter meeting limited to the following number of attendees (Check all that apply):
Space Cell Indoors onlyPresentation indoors, networking outsideOnly if outsideDon't know
1-25 attendees
26-50 attendees
50-100 attendees
101+ attendees
4. Would you like GARP to continue virtual Chapter meetings even after we restart in-person meetings?
5. Please indicate the type of future risk events that you would like to attend and your preferred time (Check all that apply):
Space Cell Early morning/breakfastMid-morningLunchMid-afternoonEvening - after workI am not interested in attending
Topical presentations or Executive interviews
Panel discussions
Mentoring program as a Mentor
Mentoring program as a Mentee
FRM and SCR update and recognition of newly certified risk managers