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Tennessee Examination in Marital and Family Therapy


  1. This is an open book exam with no fees, no fail, and no time limit. 
  2. Marital and Family Therapy professionals are encouraged to use the statutes and rules. 
  3. Marital and Family Therapy professionals may take this exam as many times as needed to "PASS" with no penalties. 
  4. This exam will not allow you to stop and save your place.  Once logged out of the exam,  a new exam will begin.  
  5. Answer seventy-six (76) questions correctly to successfully complete the exam.  
  6. Marital and Family Therapy professionals can access the Tennessee statutes an rules at the following link -
  7. Applicants for initial licensure are required to submit an application to the Board of Licensed Marital and Family Therapists.
  8. For assistance contact the Board of Marital and Family Therapy at or call (615) 741-5735 between 8AM-4:30PM Central Time Monday through Friday (except state holidays).
  9. The email provided during this exam will be updated to your file with the Board of Marital and Family Therapy, only if there is no existing email address for your record. 
Tennessee Examination in Marital and Family Therapy *This question is required.