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Are you ready for an ASVAB Tutor?

Am I ready?


Some people believe that if you have to ask, "am I ready?" It probably means that you're not.


Others say knowing yourself, and what you can afford in terms of time, and money,
is important to know what resources you have to achieve your goals.

Through this survey, consider how important the ASVAB score is, what you've done, or plan to do, in order to achieve a high ASVAB score.

1. What have you used to help you study? (Click all that apply)
2. Can you attend tutoring hour long lessons (or watch replay's) 3-5 times per week? 
3. Would you send questions to your tutor? (typically questions that you find difficult)
4. Can you afford tutoring in terms of both time AND money?
5. How long will you work until you give up?