Use the appropriate link below to self-report a positive COVID-19 case. Due to the large increase in reported COVID-19 cases, we are no longer able to collect self-report forms for people exposed to COVID-19. If you are trying to report a home or community COVID-19 exposure, please notify your workplace, school, or child care facility directly.1). School/Child Care Self-Report Form:
Use the School/Child Care Self-Report Form to report positive COVID-19 cases for:
- Children who attend child care within Livingston County, or
- Students in preK-12th grades who attend a Livingston County school, or
- Staff who are employed at a child care facility within Livingston County, or
- Staff who are employed at a preK-12th grade school within Livingston County.
2). General Public Self-Report Form & Isolation Calculator:
Use the General Public Self-Report Form & Isolation Calculator to report positive COVID-19 cases for:
- Individuals in the general public who do not meet the School/Child Care Self-Report Form criteria listed above.
Visit our website for more COVID-19 information and resources: