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2021 Fleet Conference & Exhibition (Final Event Survey)

1. I attended as a: *This question is required.
Please take a moment to share your overall Conference & Exhibition experience *This question is required.
Your feedback on:
Space Cell ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor
MC Jon Faine
Overall rating for the event speakers
Overall rating of the educational content
Information provided pre-event
Information provided during the event
The overall event organisation
Delegate registration process
Conference App
Conference venue (food/beverages)
Did you leave feeling you have gained valuable insight? *This question is required.
2. Did you attend the Networking Dinner? *This question is required.
Overall experience - Please rate the following aspects of the conference dinner
Space Cell ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor
Venue (including food & beverages)
Dinner entertainment
Fleet Awards Presentations
3. If still in your current position in 12 months time, will you attend the Conference in Sydney May, 2022? *This question is required.
Would you like a 2021 Fleet Conference and Exhibition Certificate of Attendance? *This question is required.
Day 1 (Please select the sessions you have attended)
Keynote & Plenary I
DAY 2 (Please select the sessions you have attended)
Keynote & Plenary III
Email the Attendance Certificate to:  *This question is required.
4. Would you like to be contacted to discuss your feedback?
Please advise contatc details: