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HTHU Idea: Topic Suggestion or Request

HTHU Training Request or Suggestion

Thank you for your interest in HomeTown's Training and HomeTown Health University! Its our mission to provide education that is high quality, current, effective, and applicable for various audiences serving in healthcare.

Is there a specific topic you'd like addressed on one of our current webinar series?
Are you looking for a topic, but can't seem to find it? 
Would you like to make a suggestion for training that would benefit you?
We want to know!

We'll be sure to share the feedback with our program trainer if its something that we can address in an existing program. 
If there's a course that may meet your need, we'll make sure to reach out and suggest it.
Or, if we don't have a course already, and we are able to create one in the future based on your suggestion, we'll share the new course with you at no cost as a "Thank You" for sharing your needs with us!

Please submit your suggestions or recommendations below.   A copy of your suggestions will be emailed to you as well for your records 

If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact:
1. Please enter your contact information:
This question requires a valid email address.
Organization Location *This question is required.
This form has space for up to 3 suggestions; use as many as you need!
6. Optional: when exploring education or training for your current role, which schools on would you likely explore?
  • * This question is required.
  • * This question is required.