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NRPS - Silver State Legacy Park Award

A Silver State Legacy Park is a park that holds special prominence in the local community and the state of
Nevada. These parks have endured the test of time and have become iconic to those who have visited, played
and rested on their grounds. Designation as a Silver State Legacy Park is the highest accolade the Nevada
Recreation and Park Society can bestow upon a park.

The NRPS Awards Committee recommends completing your submission using a word processor and copying the information into this web form. This form cannot be stopped and restarted; it must be completed in a single attempt. 

For award criteria, CLICK HERE.
1. Submitting Individual Information *This question is required.
2. Park Submission Information *This question is required.

Photos: 10 photos max [2 MB each]; each photo labeled with entry and agency name.

6-10 digital photos are required with the submission that document park history including unique, natural and historic features of the park. A video can be sent to via email representing the same is allowed; however, photos will still be required. Click Here to email the video link

10. Please include letters of support from at least two of the following:
  • Resident or Park User
  • City or County Manager
  • Mayor or Commissioner
  • Park Advisory Board Member
  • Local Organization with ties to the Park
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Local Historic Commission
  • Academic with specialization in landscape architecture, history, natural resources, etc.
*This question is required.
11. Please include letters of verification of historic designation if applicable:
  • Nevada State Historic Preservation Office
  • Local Historic Commission if locally designated landmark
12. Please include a copy of park site plan or master plan if available.
13. Please include a timeline of park history noting major milestones, historic events, renovations & improvements, or natural disasters regarding the park (limit one page).
Please Acknowledge the Awards and Judging Conditions