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Camera Operator | Lex Fridman

My name is Lex Fridman. I have two YouTube channels: lexfridman and lexclips. I currently spend most of my time in Austin, Texas. I'm looking for a camera person for frequent small video projects, including indoors and outdoors. Some videos are more educational an will involve robots and me explaining how they work, and some videos are more fun out in nature or playing guitar, etc.

Editing the raw videos yourself into the final video is not required but preferred.

I value passion, hard work, and obsessive attention to detail (aka craftsmanship). No answer is disqualifying. For example, beginners are welcome. I value the ability to learn quickly.

Please fill out this form. None of the fields are required, but all are preferred. If you do not hear from me, I'm really sorry. I'm currently a 1 person operation. All info you provide here will be kept private.
This question requires a valid email address.
3. Which tasks are you interested and able to help with? None are required. Please don't choose more than you actually can help with.
4. What operating systems are you comfortable working in?
5. What's your level of expertise in video editing with Premiere?
BeginnerSomewhat knowledgeableVery knowledgeableExpertSuperstar
6. How interested are you in being the camera operator for frequent small video project with me?
Least PassionateMost Passionate
7. What best describes your interest in this position?
This question requires a valid number format.
This question requires a valid currency format.
15. What country do you live in?
16. Do you live in Austin, TX?
17. Are you interested in traveling with me to other locations in US and the World for video projects?
19. Is it better to work hard or work smart?