Please submit your workshop proposal for the 27th Annual APRIL Conference below
by July 15, 2021. We will accept workshop proposals highlighting your promising and best practices for serving people with disabilities in your communities and managing your IL organization.
We will have 1 hour slots available. Please note that in light of COVID-19, the
APRIL Conference will be a virtual event. We will miss seeing all of your smiling faces in person, and want to ensure everyone stays healthy until we see each other next year. Our Conference will be
October 18-22, 2021. We will make sure to post changes and announcements around our schedule and events as they unfold. Thank you for being flexible and continuing to support the APRIL Conference.
Topics of interest that we will prioritize include:
- creative and promising practices for serving your RURAL locations
- professional development for front line staff (managing volunteers, building and sustaining programs, IL consumer documentation, IL Skills training facilitation tips, implementing Youth services, implementing peer support programs, implementing nursing home transition programs, social media outreach, disability specific laws and regulations, community organizing and outreach tools....)
- SILC/Boards presentation and Youth Consumer presentations
- Institution Transition
- Electronic and online promising practices
- Promising practices for hybrid CIL services (in person and virtual combined)
The theme of this year's conference is:
Our Community: Showing Grace by Staying in Place