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Summer Institute 2021 Presenter RFP

Thank you for your interest in participating in Zeno’s Summer Institute 2021!

The event will be held August 31st – September 2nd, 2021, online.

We welcome workshops, presentations, and keynotes from community members that align with our mission, and focus on math, play, families, or racial equity.

Please contact Zeno at if you have any questions about this form or Summer Institute 2021.

Math is foundational in every culture and community. At Zeno, we know that children and families of color are doers and lovers of math, and we seek to honor, amplify, and celebrate the positive math experiences within the communities we partner with. All of our work – from program and game design to our staff and events – considers the impact of race, place, language, and culture and how that is directly linked to experiences, attitudes, and mindsets about math. For this reason, we encourage and prioritize space for BIPOC presenters in all of our events and programming.

Please share how you self-identify in the following areas.
(ex. city, state, community, country)
Please share about your workshop and co-presenter(s).
Please provide title in all languages your workshop can be presented in.
Please provide title in all of the languages listed above. Max. word count: 250 words.

Consider the following when describing your workshop:
  • What main ideas/learnings will participants explore? What do you hope participants will walk away with?
  • How does this workshop relate to early math?
  • How does this workshop relate to racial equity and engage BIPOC communities?
  • Does this workshop address strategies for math/family engagement
  • How will the workshop be structured? (ex. hands-on activities, group discussion, pair shares, etc.)
  • Are specific artifacts/takeaways involved? (handouts, worksheets, etc.)
If your plan to present your workshop with someone else, please share their information below
15. Please rank your preference for presenting on the following dates: *This question is required.1 = Highest Preference Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
16. Which of the following are addressed during the workshop? *This question is required.Please check all that apply.
Include 2-3 things that attendees will learn and specify any takeaways participants will gain from attending your workshop.
19. Which languages can you present your workshop in? *This question is required.Please check all that apply.
20. Please identify the STAR hour core competency area that apply to your workshop. *This question is required.Please select the one that fits the best.
21. If your workshop is relevant to a specific audience, please check all that apply. *This question is required.