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University of Toronto 2021 Alumni Survey

The University of Toronto values you and your fellow alumni as important members of our community. We are committed to offering programs, services and opportunities that are relevant to you throughout the different stages of your life.

Your views, interests and opinions will help us respond to the ongoing changes in how we celebrate, work, learn, and convene our diverse, global alumni community. 

As an extra incentive, participants will have the opportunity to win one of five $100 VISA gift cards. You will automatically be entered into the draw when you provide your name and contact information at the end of the survey.

You can learn more about the survey and access the FAQ and Notice of Collection here. If you have questions, we would be delighted to hear from you at

Thank you for taking the time to share your perspectives.  I truly appreciate your participation particularly during these challenging times.

Warm regards,

Barbara Dick
Assistant Vice-President, Alumni Relations
University of Toronto
We recommend taking your survey on a desktop computer, laptop computer or tablet. If you take the survey using a mobile device, we recommend turning your mobile device to the landscape positionRemember, if you cannot complete the entire questionnaire, please hit the “submit” button at the end, so that we can still capture your results. None of the questions are required. 
Section I

To start, please tell us a bit about yourself and your experience with the University of Toronto.
Please provide the following information:
Your current location:
1. Which of the following describes your overall current opinion of U of T?
PoorFairGoodExcellentNo opinion
2. How often do you promote U of T to others?
NeverOccasionallyRegularlyAll the timeNo opinion
3. Which of the following best describes your experience as a student?
PoorFairGoodExcellentNo opinion
4. Which of the following best describes your experiences as an alum?
PoorFairGoodExcellentNo opinion
5. How would you rate your decision to attend U of T?
Bad decisionFair decisionGood decisionGreat decisionNo opinion
6. On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest, how would you rate U of T as a place that makes alumni feel part of an inclusive and welcoming community?
7. On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest, how would you rate U of T as a place that is committed to diversity and inclusion on campus?
8. On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest, how likely are you to recommend U of T to a prospective student?
9. Please review the list and check off the three (3) activities that have the most influence on your current level of engagement with U of T.
10. How well did the education received from U of T prepare you for each of the following?
Space Cell Poor preparationFair preparationGood preparationExcellent preparationNo opinion
a. Current work status
b. Further graduate education
c. Commitment to continuous education
d. Responding to new career opportunities
e. Contributing to my community
f. Deepening my commitment to personal development
g. Getting a job I wanted soon after I graduated
h. Prepare me to work outside of Canada
i. Help me fulfill my ambitions
j. To better engage with people from different socioeconomic backgrounds
k. To better engage with people from different racialized communities
l. To work well with others
m. To be more comfortable in various social and/or working environments
n. To be more willing to ask for assistance from others
11. Please indicate the extent of your loyalty to each of the following:
Space Cell Not loyalSomewhat loyalLoyalVery loyalNo opinion
a. My college/school within U of T
b. My major or degree program
c. A faculty member or instructor
d. A student organization or activity I was associated with
e. U of T in general
Section II

The following questions are about your experience as a student.
12. Regarding the current student experience at U of T, how interested would you be in hearing more about the following topics?
Space Cell Not interestedSomewhat interestedInterestedVery interestedNo opinion
a. Relationship students develop with each other
b. Quality of the academics and classes
c. Relationship students have with the faculty
d. Students from all backgrounds feeling like they are part of the U of T community
e. Students experiencing U of T as an inclusive and welcoming place
f. Relationship students have with administration and staff
g. Student leadership opportunities
h. Skills/training for career
i. Traditions or values learned on campus
j. Opportunity to interact with alumni
k. Opportunity to engage in community service activities
l. Availability of mental health support
13. Name one person who had a special impact on your experience as a student. Please also provide a brief description of the relationship.
14. Name one program or activity that had a special impact on your experience as a student. Please also provide a brief description of the program or activity. 
Section III
The balance of the questions pertain to your experience as an alum.
15. In your relationship with U of T, please describe how often you do or have done each of the following:
Space Cell NeverOccasionallyRegularlyAll the timeNo opinion
a. Participate in U of T events or activities
b. Get in touch with other alumni
c. Read alumni email blasts
d. Read the alumni magazine
e. Attend U of T sporting events
f. Attend class reunions
g. Visit campus
h. Visit U of T or Alumni website
i. Volunteer for U of T
j. Engage with U of T on social media
k. Attend virtual events online
16. For each of the communication methods listed below, please tell us how important that method is to you and also rate U of T's effectiveness in utilizing that method:


1 = Not important
2 = Somewhat important
3 = Very important
4 = Critically important


1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Good
4 = Excellent                  

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
a. Alumni website
b. U of T website
c. Central electronic newsletter (News@UofT)
d. Email blasts
e. Communication regarding services and benefits
f. Online Virtual Hub for U of T Alumni
g. Invitations to U of T activities
h. The U of T alumni magazine
i. Periodic informational communications
j. Invitations to alumni activities
k. Social media/online community
17. Please indicate your feeling regarding the frequency of the following:
Space Cell Way too muchA little too muchAbout rightWould welcome moreNot nearly enoughNo opinion
a. Email correspondence from U of T (newsletters, news flashes, etc.)
b. Printed materials from U of T (magazines, newsletters, etc.)
c. Information regarding discount programs (credit cards, insurance services, etc.)
d. Solicitations for donations (areas of greatest need, student financial aid, research)
e. Invitations to alumni activities
f. Presence on social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
20. How important is it that the following opportunities be available to alumni and how well does U of T do at supporting alumni in doing them?


1 = Not important
2 = Somewhat important
3 = Very important
4 = Critically important


1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Good
4 = Excellent                 

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
a. Mentoring students
b. Identifying job opportunities for graduates
c. Recruiting students
d. Serving as ambassadors promoting U of T to others
e. Providing financial support for U of T (e.g. donations)
f. Networking with other alumni
g. Volunteering for U of T
h. Providing leadership by serving on boards, committees, etc.
i. Attending general alumni and U of T events
j. Attending U of T athletic events
k. Participating in U of T online activities (social media)
l. Staying connected to U of T during the pandemic
21. Please rate your agreement with the following statements, while thinking about your experience as an alum of U of T:
Space Cell Strongly disagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeStrongly agreeNo opinion
a. U of T provides an environment that is inclusive of alumni from Black, Indigenous and racialized communities
b. U of T provides an environment that is inclusive of alumni of all sexual orientations
c. U of T provides an environment that is inclusive of alumni of all genders
d. U of T provides an environment that is inclusive of alumni with disabilities
23. What are barriers to your participation in alumni activities? (Check all that apply.)
24. Which of the following best describes your financial support of U of T?
25. Please indicate how much each of the following impacts your desire to be more engaged with U of T:
Space Cell No impact on my opinionSome impact on my opinionSignificantly impacts my opinionCritically impacts my opinionNo opinion
a. Value/respect for degree
b. U of T's excellence and reputation
c. Being able to network with other alumni
d. Being able to support the current student experience
e. Being invited to alumni events
f. University rankings
g. Hearing about the ways alumni support students' success in their lives
h. Being part of a diverse and inclusive environment
The following questions will enable the Division of University Advancement to better understand the demographic makeup of its alumni community. By collecting this information, the Division of University Advancement will be better able to develop data informed strategies to deliver programs and services that engage all alumni, build their connections with the University, proactively address systematic barriers to participation by diverse alumni, and improve equitable service and program delivery. Participation is completely voluntary. Only de-identified, aggregated information will be reported or shared. If you have specific questions, contact Please refer to the Notice of Collection and FAQ for more information.
Gender Identity:

Please indicate which of the following terms best describes your gender identity. (Check all that apply.)
Sexual Orientation:

Please indicate which of the following terms best describe your sexual orientation. (Check all that apply.)
If you answered “yes”, please check those that apply to you:
Please indicate which of the following terms best describe your racial and/or ethnic identity. Check as many terms as apply. The terms below reflect terms used in the Canadian census. Using terminology consistent with the census will help Advancement understand U of T alumni in relation to Canadian demographics.
If you answered “yes,” please indicate which of the following best describe your disability/ies. Check as many as apply.
Thank you for your input. Your time is greatly appreciated.