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2021 Global Exchange Questionnaire Survey CSRone

2021 Corporate Social Investment and Environment, Society and Governance (ESG) Questionnaire
2021年企業社會投資與環境,社會與治理 (ESG)問卷

Welcome to the 2021 Corporate Social Investment and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Questionnaire, an effort led by CECP's Global Exchange which unites a network of organizations based in more than 15 countries that advance companies’ social investment strategies. Understanding the unprecedented global circumstances, we would like to thank you in advance for contributing to this industry-leading research which helps raise the level of awareness and transparency on how companies are a force for good in society. Together, with partners across 15+ countries, we have created a tool to uncover the progress for the corporate social investment field. In past year’s surveys, more than 200 large companies headquartered all around the globe have participated on this global questionnaire.

歡迎參加2021年企業社會投資與環境,社會與治理(ESG)問卷。由CECP的Global Exchange 籌畫的一項專案,此項調查發布於15個國家/地區,已提高公司的社會投資策略為使命所組成的組織聯盟。有鑑於前所未有的全球當前的情勢,我們提前感謝您為這項領先研究所做出的貢獻,這項研究有助於人們對企業如何發揮影響力的認知有更深一層的了解。我們與超過15個國家/地區的合作夥伴共同建立了一個工具,用於揭露企業社會投資領域的進展,在去年的調查中,來自全球各總共來自200多個搭情企業都參加了此全球調查問卷。

Upon submitting your responses, CECP will confirm receipt of your survey and follow-up if there are any questions regarding your submission. The resulting insights will be published in late 2021 and all respondents will receive early notification when results are available! If you have questions, please reach out to Laura Galindo at

在您提交問卷後,CECP將會回覆確認收到您的問卷,如有任何問題,將會與您主動聯繫。本次調查結果將於2021年末發布,並且會第一時間通知所有的問卷參與者!如有任何問題,請通過lgalindo@cecp.co與Laura Galindo聯繫。

Data Sharing within CECP’s Global Exchange Community
CECP Global Exchange 數據共享

We encourage companies to share all data submitted in order to produce the most robust and useful insights for the global corporate community. More information regarding CECP's Global Exchange Data Sharing Policy can be found here.
我們鼓勵企業共享提交的相關數據,以利全球企業互相交流可靠且有用的洞見。有關CECP全球數據交換政策辦法清參見 link.

All information submitted via this survey is secure and safeguarded. CECP takes very seriously that companies may be sharing confidential information and can be assured that your data will remain protected.
