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GEG x UM-FBA — Elite Recruitment Day 2021

歡迎各位UM-FBA的同學 Welcome


全球首屈一指的綜合度假城營運商銀河娛樂集團(下稱 「銀娛」)宣佈,已與雅高集團就擁有超過130年歷史、引領奢華酒店行業風潮的傳奇品牌萊佛士達成合作。擁有約450間套房的澳門銀河 萊佛士是萊佛士傳奇品牌百年歷史中的全新篇章,也將為澳門帶來更高維度的精緻與奢華。

我們誠邀您加入銀娛團隊,十分高興能夠與澳門大學 - 工商管理學院攜手合作開辦專屬招聘活動。



澳門銀河 萊佛士 - 宏遠未來 期待你的到來

Thank you for your interest in joining Galaxy Entertainment Group!

Galaxy Macau, the world class luxury integrated resort will shortly welcome Raffles, the legendary brand that has set the standard in luxury hospitality for more than 130 years. Raffles at Galaxy Macau, featuring approximately 450 suites and other iconic amenities will provide new opportunities for your career growth and development.

We look forward to having you as one of our Team Members and we are honored to have this opportunity holding an exclusive recruitment event for UM-FBA students.

Raffles at Galaxy Macau - Make our Future part of your Success