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Risk Control Training Evaluation: Mary Ciccaglione

Risk Control Training Evaluation

As an attendee, your feedback is essential to ensure that our trainings continue to add value to you and your organization. We ask that you please take our short survey to share your experience. 
1. Participant Information: Please tell us about your role and organization.
2. Are risk control, risk management, or safety courses required by your senior administration or board?
Training Session Information: Please tell us about the training session you attended.
6. How relevant was this topic to you?
1 - Not Relevant At All
5 - Very Relevant
7. How would you rate the expertise of the presenter?
1 - Not Helpful At All
5 - Very Helpful
8. How helpful did you find the technology used for this session in facilitating your understanding of the material?
1 - Not Helpful At All
5 - Very Helpful
9. What did you like most about this session? Please check all that apply.
  • * This question is required.
10. As a result of this session, will you implement some of the ideas presented in this session?
If you answered yes: 
If you answered no:
12. What overall rating would you give this session? 
1 - Poor
5 - Excellent
13. How likely are you to recommend this session to another person?
1 - Not Likely At All
5 - Very Likely