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Alpha Epsilon of Chi Psi Alumni Brotherhood Survey

Share your insights, advice and experiences.

Complete this short, simple survey to add your input and share memories of your time at Chi Psi. We'll publish some of your responses on the website, or in an upcoming issue of The Epsilonian.

NOTE: only answer the questions you'd like to share your input on! Nothing is required except for your name and email.
1. Please provide contact information for the best way to reach you. *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
3. How often to do you return to Michigan?
4. When was your most recent visit to the Lodge?
10. Some think we need to raise ~$2 million to finish needed Lodge renovations and fund our Educational Foundation. If a capital campaign is undertaken at some point in the future, do you believe this amount can be raised?
11. Without making a commitment, would you consider making a financial pledge to this effort?
12. Would you be interested in serving a potential future capital campaign in a volunteer capacity?
13. If you are interested in or considering a volunteer role in the future, select the specific tasks that interest you (check all that apply).
16. If you have old photos and/or a current photo of you that you'd like to share, upload them here.