We are excited to announce the opening of the call for proposals for Learning 2021. We are greatly looking forward to this year's event and to hosting a fun and inspiring event that addresses the evolving needs of today's learning leaders and their teams.
We've put together a couple of resources that can help you with your proposal.
- Consider downloading this PDF that shares a snapshot of what we are looking for in a proposal.
- You may refer to the Instructions on How to Submit a Speaking Proposal for more information on the event, audience types, tracks, etc.
NEW FOR 2021 - Full Day Preconference Workshops
We will be hosting full-day pre-conference workshops on Sunday, November 7. These workshops run from 8:30am to 4:30pm, and offer detailed agendas that focus on developing in-depth knowledge and skills.
We will be accepting proposals through Friday, April 30.
We’re always happy to help anyone who wants to propose a session. If you have questions or just want to bounce your session ideas off of someone to see if they might be a fit, don't hesitate to send an email to
David Kelly.
Thanks for your proposal, and for being a part of our Community.