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Access and Equity Letter of Intent

Equity and Access Letter of Intent

This is an OPTIONAL Letter of Intent for the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's CVTE Equity and Access Grant. 

The goal of this federally funded competitive grant program is to provide supplementary support to build school and district capacity to Analyze Data, Enhance English Learner Recruitment and/or Build Equitable Structures, including –
  • Effectively using data to identify equity and access areas of need;
  • Engaging in reflective thinking, innovation, and ongoing continuous improvement;
  • Developing and/or strengthening systems to address gaps in equity and access; and
  • Partnering in communities of practice in these areas.
1. Which of the three priorities below do you intend to apply for?

  • Priority 1 – Data Usage and Equity in CVTE
Priority 1 is to strengthen districts' use of Perkins & other data to improve access to and performance of Chapter 74 programs for all students. Districts may accomplish this through re-thinking teaming and collaborative communication structures; enhancing data routines; or other justified innovations to improve access and outcomes aligned with a reflective/continuous improvement cycle. Successful proposals should reference using a reflective improvement cycle or enhancing any of the steps of an improvement cycle.
  • Priority 2 – English Learner Recruitment and Success in CVTE
Priority 2 is to prioritize and strengthen EL recruitment and success. Districts may accomplish this through establishing a recruitment specialist; rethinking recruitment and local partnership strategies; and developing specific collaborative practices. Successful proposals should clarify the role of recruitment specialist; reference the use of data, for example EL Online Dashboard; feature collaboration with sending districts and community stakeholders; and develop specific practices that strengthen EL recruitment and success across CVTE programs.
  • Priority 3 – Building Equitable Structures in CVTE
Priority 3 is to build equitable structures that strengthen the CVTE learning environment. Districts may accomplish this through rethinking collaboration and reflection routines, and developing specific practices to build cultural competency. Successful proposals should reference the reflective use of data, for example district and program enrollment trends; collaboration with sending districts, local organizations or other partners; and specific practices that strengthen practitioners’ ability to develop and maintain equitable structures across CVTE programs.
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5. Intended application window