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3KND Standing Strong Together – Listener survey

As a valued listener of 3KND, you’re invited to complete this short online survey about your experience of our Standing Strong Together program. We’d love to know what you like, what you don’t like, and what we can do to improve the program.

Standing Strong Together is a media engagement campaign which aims to support, educate, inform, and change attitudes on violence. The program is supported with funding from the Victorian government.

The survey should take you no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

Your response will be anonymous and confidential. Participation in the survey is completely voluntary so you can exit the survey at any time or skip any questions you don’t want to answer.

Your response will be used to develop a report for the Victorian government, and to help inform how we plan and deliver the Standing Strong Together program. They will not be used for any other purposes.

3KND is partnering with Karen Milward Consulting and an independent research company called Urbis to manage this survey.

For support

Some people may feel upset during or after completing this survey. If you do feel upset, you can call the number below to talk to somebody:
  • 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 723