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SSLI Training 2: Oral Language

1. Which organization are you representing at this training? *This question is required.
2. Did you attend the training February 24th on district assessments and online programs for students? *This question is required.
3. Did you attend the oral language workshop held in 2019? *This question is required.
4. After today's training I have a better understanding of the concept of oral language and how it applies to children learning to read.  *This question is required.
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree
5. After today's training I have a better understanding of how to apply practices that promote oral language in my activities with children.  *This question is required.
Strongly DisagreeStrongly Agree
8. Would you be interested in taking part in a debrief to get feedback on ways you are incorporating oral language into you work with children?  Two sessions will be held on Wednesday, April 14th.  If interested select the time that works for you.  *This question is required.