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DHL Covid Monitor Survey

1. How would you describe your current work situation?

 (* required)

  *This question is required.
2. Which of the following best describes your work? *This question is required.
3. Do you feel safe going to work at the moment? *This question is required.
Not at all
4. How safe does your workplace feel?
  *This question is required.
Not at all
5. Workplace risk assessments
Space Cell YesNoNot Sure
Has your site manager completed a risk assessment?
Were staff consulted about it?
Was it shared with you?
Is it published at work (e.g in the breakroom or on intranet?)
6. Hygiene at work
Space Cell YesNoNot Sure
Is hand sanitiser or hand washing facilities provided for all staff?
Are frequently touched surfaces cleaned and disinfected regularly e.g. belts, operating buttons, forklifts, PDAs?
Are staff rest areas cleaned regularly e.g. toilets, lockers, seating areas (including smoking areas)?
7. Physical/Social Distancing
Space Cell YesNoNo Sure
Are you able to maintain 2m distance from others at all times?
Are there signs to remind staff and visitors of the recommended distancing?
Do staff share workstations less than 2m apart?
Do staff share work vans?
8. Is your employer looking after staff mental wellbeing? 
9. Managing Covid Transmission
Space Cell YesNoNot Sure
For distances of less than 2m, are staff protected by screens?
In inside areas with a large number of workers are face-masks worn?
Have start/finish/break times been staggered to reduce contact with more people?
Has a one-way system been put into operation?
Have greater levels of ventilation been introduced e.g. windows/doors/loading bays left open?
10. Self-isolation
Space Cell Yes - Full payYes - SSPNo - Use my holidayNo - UnpaidUnsure
If you have to self-isolate are you paid?
If you have to shield are you paid?
11. Are you or a member of your household considered to be Clinically Extremely Vulnerable?
12. Do you feel your employer has taken your concerns seriously?
13. Has work offered paid time off to be tested?
14. Has work offered paid time off to get vaccinated?
Do you give permission for us to use your words anonymously in our reporting?
16. Would you be willing to speak anonymously with a union organiser about your situation?