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NRCA Demographics Survey 2021

About you:
1. Gender: Please specify your gender.
2. Title: What is your title.
3. Age: Please specify your age range.
4. Ethnic origin: Please specify your ethnicity. (Select up to two.)
5. Education: What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled, highest degree received.
About your company:
6. Company Work Type: Please select all that apply to your business.
7. Company Operations: Please specify your company’s operations.
About your workforce:
9. Employees: Please specify the average number of field employees you employ during peak season.
10. Employees: Please specify the average number of office/management employees you employ.
11. Gender: What percentage of your workforce in the field is:

(Should total 100 percent.)
0 out of 100% Total
12. Gender: What percentage of your office/management staff is:

(Should total 100 percent.)
0 out of 100% Total
13. Age: What percentage of your workforce in the field is:

(Should total 100 percent.)
0 out of 100% Total
14. Age: What percentage of your office/management staff is:

(Should total 100 percent.)
0 out of 100% Total
15. Ethnic origin: What percentage of your workforce in the field is:

(Should total 100 percent.)
0 out of 100% Total
16. Ethnic origin: What percentage of your office/management staff is:

(Should total 100 percent.)
0 out of 100% Total
17. Tenure of Service: What percentage of your workforce in the field has worked for your company:

(Should total 100 percent.)
0 out of 100% Total
18. Tenure of Service: What percentage of your office/management staff has worked for your company:

(Should total 100 percent.)
0 out of 100% Total