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Girl Guides Wellbeing Check - Girls (8 to 12 years old)

Welcome to the Girl Guides Wellbeing Survey!

Girl Guides has partnered with social impact measurement experts Huber Social to measure its impact on the overall wellbeing of its Guides and Volunteers. To do this, we're asking all Girl Guides and Volunteers to complete a short, anonymous survey. This survey will ask each Guide to think about their current satisfaction with life, and cover topics on connection, holistic wellness, and resilience. The survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete. Your answers will help Girl Guides understand how to best support all young people who participate in their programs. 
The following section is for parents and guardians. Please read the following so that you and your child understand what it means to participate in the Girl Guides Wellbeing Survey:

Your data privacy

The information collected will be analysed by Huber Social and presented to Girl Guides. The findings will be used by Girl Guides to improve their current programs, and possibly to inform the wider community about the present needs of young people and how Girl Guides can support them. 

Survey data will be stored in the Huber Social Wellbeing Database. Occasionally, Girl Guides survey data may be used to draw insights into broader community or sector-wide wellbeing status and needs. All data remains de-identified to protect your child's privacy and all results are published at an aggregate level. 

All responses will be stored securely in accordance with the Huber Social Privacy Policy. We will not disclose personal information to any other parties without your consent, except in response to legal requirements. 
How to complete this survey

This survey is to be completed by your child. We understand that some children, especially those under the age of 12, will require some assistance in reading the questions and marking down their answers. While assistance is necessary, as a parent or guardian please try to refrain from suggesting or influencing answers. It is often the case that young people see the world differently. Their reality might be different to everyone else's - and this is what we are most interested in - because that is the reality they are living in.

This short section at the start will only take you a minute or two to complete, but the survey will take your child approximately 10-15 minutes so they might want to get comfortable before jumping in.

Please complete the survey in one session.  Your answers will not be saved if you log out before completing.

The survey is voluntary. If your child does not feel comfortable completing the survey, or would like to stop at any point they should have the opportunity to do so. Feel free to take short breaks throughout, but please keep your browser window open so as to not lose your survey progress.

We appreciate your time and input. You are helping shape a better future for your family and your community.
1. Parent/Guardian Consent
  • I am the parent or legal guardian of the child who will be completing this survey.
  • I have read the above and consent to this child completing this survey.
  • I understand my child may choose not to answer questions that they do not want to answer or does not comprehend.
  • I understand my child's participation is completely voluntary.
  • I understand my child's de-identified survey response will be collected and securely stored in the Huber Social Database.
*This question is required.