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2021 - Upstart End of Program

Getting started!

Thank you for taking part in this survey about Waterford Upstart. The survey asks about your experiences and your opinions and generally takes less than 10 minutes to complete. We will use information from you and other Waterford Upstart parents to assess and improve our services.
Before you begin, please note the following:
  1. All answers are completely confidential.
  2. Only researchers studying Waterford Upstart will have access to individual surveys.
  3. Responses will be combined from thousands of parents like yourself.
  4. Answering the survey questions is completely voluntary, and you can skip any question you don’t want to answer. We encourage you to participate so that your voice can be heard.
As you go through the survey please think about your child who was enrolled in Waterford Upstart for 2020-2021. 



First, we have some questions about you.
Other than your child who is currently enrolled in Waterford Upstart, have any of your other children ever participated in Waterford Upstart?
3. Are you male or female?
4. What language is spoken most in your home?
5. What is your highest level of education? Please answer with your own highest level of education. 
6. What is your current marital status?
8. In general, how do you feel about your ability to support your child’s learning?
9. In general, how do you feel about your ability to support your child's learning in kindergarten?