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Workshop Application Form

This form is for workshop facilitators wanting to get their workshop pre-approved for BCRPA Continuing Education requirements.
1. Applicant information. Please provide your contact information.  *This question is required.
2. Are you a registered BCRPA Fitness Leader? *This question is required.
3. Is this workshop open to the public?  *This question is required.
4. Is this workshop held online or in-person? *This question is required.
5. Please provide workshop information as you would like it to appear on the BCRPA website listing. Your workshop will only be posted if you have indicated above that it is open to the public.  *This question is required.
New or Modified workshop applications are subject to a $25 application review fee, through QuickBooksPlease note this application review fee does not indicate workshop approval.
7. Is this an unmodified previously approved workshop? 

Workshops are accepted for a period of 1 year; after one year, workshop information must be resubmitted. The review fee is waived for resubmissions for unmodified or unchanged content. *This question is required.
8. Please upload a detailed resume for the presenter/faciliatory (once the resume is on file it does not need to be submitted again)
8. Please submit a detailed workshop description with an hour by hour breakdown.
8. Please submit handouts provided to participants (if any).