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CI Distance Learning Survey 2021

CI Distance Learning Survey

1. How many distance learning projects did you work on in 2020?
2. How many distance learning projects do you expect to work on total in 2021?
3. About how much of your revenue came from distance learning projects in 2020?
4. About how much of your revenue do you expect to come from distance learning projects in 2021?
5. Of the distance learning systems you’ve implemented, what percentage of the customers were higher education institutions?
6. Of the distance learning systems you’ve implemented, what percentage of the customers were K-12 institutions?
7. What percentage of your higher education customers have implemented some kind of distance learning system?
8. What percentage of your K-12 customers have implemented some kind of distance learning system?
9. What types of technology do you typically implement in a distance learning project? (Choose all that apply)
10. Do you offer any of the following managed service offerings as part of your distance learning portfolio?
11. Do you provide training on these distance learning systems once implemented, and how often?
12. If you do provide training, who do you provide training to?
13. When you implement a distance learning solution, are you typically outfitting classrooms with distance learning capabilities, or creating studios specifically for distance learning?
14. On what percentage of projects do you provide distance learning equipment that teachers can use at home?
15. Have you seen a rise in request for distance learning since the COVID-19 pandemic began?
16. Do you believe that distance learning will continue to be a priority for higher education organizations even after COVID-19?
17. Do you believe that distance learning will continue to be a priority for K-12 organizations even after COVID-19?
18. Primarily, where do you see Distance Learning instruction being captured? (Choose all that apply)
  • * This question is required.
19. What distance learning teaching style have you seen implemented the most (please rank from most often to least often): Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
This question requires a valid percent format.